It was bound to happen, and now the day has arrived: a comics biography of Pablo Picasso. This is doubtless only the first, as a life and career as prodigious as that of Picasso can hardly be exhausted at one go. In fact, it appears that Birmant and Oubererie have limited the years covered in Pablo to Picasso's early years in Montmartre. Nonetheless, these few years managed to inspire one of the lengthiest comics bios yet, as Pablo runs a whopping 342 full color pages. Should there be a decision to continue, a comics bio of Picasso's full life could easily run in the thousands of pages! This is likely a job in need of a massive cohort of comickers... Oubererie, known to Copacetic regulars as the artist on the wonderful Aya series, has turned in another amazing work here. Clearly demonstrating his understanding of color once again, in contrast to the stunning, saturated tones he employed in Aya to convey the magic and mystery of life in Côte d'Ivoire, here in Pablo, he has stuck with muted tones suffused with greys and browns to capture the mood of Montemartre. Do yourself a favor and take a moment to leaf through and vicariously experience those days when art changed forever.