We use the PayPal shopping cart system for our online ordering.  It's a bit on the lo-tech side, and involves some back and forth between the cart and our site... but it works!  You can check out using any major credit card if you don't have a PayPal account.  



NOTE ON SHIPPING CHARGES:  All charges are based on weight.  Our charges are all in line with what we pay to ship the package.  In most cases we ship via the USPS, who, unfortunately, have been raising prices on a regular basis.  The first pound is the most expensive:  as of July 2024, the lowest cost (Media Mail) for shipping up to one pound is $4.63, as soon as the weight goes over a pound then it increases by 75¢, and so on for each additional pound.  Our shipping charges start at $4.75 (as PayPal takes 3.49% of every dollar, including shipping charges) and then basically go up $1.50 for each two pound increase, currently topping out at $10.75  for ten pounds or more.  In other words, placing an order for multiple items lowers the per item shipping charge.  The cost of shipping via Media Mail has now increased to the point that we now often ship via USPS Ground Advantage or UPS (both of which services, in many cases, now deliver books more quickly for less than media mail; go figure).  Priority Mail charges are, naturally, higher.  International shipping charges are MUCH higher.

  Should you have any questions about ordering, or if you have a question about a particular item and/or can't find what you're looking for and wonder if we might have it in stock, just not up on the site – a distinct possibility – feel free to send us an email or to give us a call.  When calling, please leave a message, as we're often away from the phone.

Our contact info can be found HERE.

Solution Graphics


All in-stock items guaranteed to ship within 48 hours.

Welcome  to the Copacetic eCommerce website.  You can now order with confidence 24/7 x 365 via PayPal, the safest and most secure payment system there is.  And for those of you who may not know:  You do NOT need to sign up for PayPal to use their system, but may simply enter your credit card info the way you would with any shopping cart.  

Those of you who still prefer the human touch need not worry as we're still using the new-fangled technology to carry on our business the same old way, one customer at a time, with your satisfaction guaranteed.  We would like to suggest that those so inclined might very well find that the quickest and easiest way to place a order or make an inquiry is over the telephone rather than via the web.  Anyone firmly attached to the traditions of mail-order will be readily accommodated by our order processing department; only please keep in mind that personal checks must clear our bank before the order ships and that this can take up to seven business days.  Mail orders accompanied by certified check or money order will receive prompt (within 48 hours) shipment of their order.  Please make check or money order payable to The Copacetic Comics Company and remit along with order to:

The Copacetic Comics Company
PO Box 301
Pittsburgh, PA  15230
We hope that customers will be pleased to learn that our shipping charges are modest. 
And, of course, for those of you who reside in the Pittsburgh area, we recommend the tried and true method of stopping in at the shop to pick up what you already know you want, to browse for things you might be interested in, and/or to place special orders.  

Payment Methods:  We accept the four major credit cards-- Mastercard™, Visa™, American Express™ and Discover™ -- for all transactions:  telephone, mail and web orders, and in-store purchases.  We accept personal checks, certified checks, and money orders for mail orders and in-store purchases.  We accept cash and traveler's checks for in-store purchases only.


The Copacetic Comics Company is now online only, so this site is where it's at!

Call 1.412.251.5451 and if no one picks up leave a message sletting us know that yo're interested in p;alcing a phone order and we'll get back to you.

If you you have a question and prefer email, ask away!

If you are ready to place an electronic order, please submit it in an email to:    order@copaceticcomics.com   If you plan to pay with a credit card, we recommend that you either provide us with this information over the telephone, or in two seperate emails, making sure that the shipping address is not contained in the same email as your credit card number.  Please note that our credit card processor requires that we have the three-digit security code on the reverse of your card (the last three digits set furthest to the right on the signature strip) in order to process your charge. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Pennsylvania residents placing orders with us are subject to 7% sales tax (6% PA + 1% Allegheny County).  

Shipping Charges:

All shipping charges are automatically calculated by the PayPal shipping calculator based on weight.  Because international shipping charges are so high, even the slightest weight difference can make a significant cost difference (in some rare instances, a one ounce difference can raise the cost by close to $20.00!), please feel free to contact us if you feel that the shipping costs assigned to your purchase are too high.  We will look at your order, and if we can ship it to you for less than the amount assigned to it by PayPal, we will lower your fee accordingly.  On the other hand, in cases where the PayPal calculator charges the customer (you) signficantly more than our costs turn out to be, we will send you a refund of the difference.

United States -- We employ the US Postal Service (USPS) to ship most of our orders. Most orders are shipped via Media Mail (delivery time of 4-7 business days) unless otherwise requested.  This now (as of July 2024) starts at $4.50 for the first pound, then goes up in $1.50 - $1.75 increments every 2-3 pounds before topping out at $10.50 on orders weighing over 9 pounds.  So, generally speaking, your per item shipping cost decreases as you add additional items.  For example:  the shipping charge is the same for three 1 pound items as it is for two;  the same for two 1.5 pound items as it is for one.

We include delivery confirmation on all orders at no extra charge.


International -- The shipping charges on international orders are entirely related to the weight of the items shipped, and vary widely.  We offer so many different items (some of which are quite heavy) that it is difficult to give estimates here.  ALSO:  Important note to our EU customers (please scroll down to bottom of page):

Shipping charges to most of the world outside of the USA are  at least $16.95 for the first item – if it weighs over 8 ounces, then it wil be at least $25.95 –  and then goes up from there – and it can go waaay up.  International shipping charges have skyrocketed over the last decade. 

Shipping charges for Canada usually start at around $12.95 for the first item.  Again, it is important to note that, as with the other international shipments, many heavier items will cost more than this to ship (but still it will be less to ship to Canada than to other countries).

We realize that this is all a bit complicated, and we apologize for that.  Don't worry, we'll calculate it for you, we just want to provide you with as much information as feasible so that there won't be any surprises.  Our bottom line on shipping charges is to keep them as close to our actual costs as possible.  As always, if you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Our Guarantee:  All merchandise ordered through this site is unconditionally guaranteed by The Copacetic Comics Company and may be returned for a full refund.  In cases where the problem is a result of an error on our part, such as a shipment of an incorrect or clearly flawed item, we will refund the cost of your return shipping as well.  All that we ask is that you notify us of your intention to return an item as soon as possible after receiving it, and that you ship it back to us in the same or equivalent packaging in which you received it within 30 days.

Please address all correspondence concerning returns to returns@copacetic.biz

Our Reputation:  We have been selling online for over ten years -- since April 2001 -- and have processed over two thousand internet orders containing many thousands of items, of which less than 0.1% have been returned.   In all cases we provided a full refund and/or exchange and refunded the customers' return shipping costs as well.  We believe that we provide a high level of customer satisfaction, and we have many repeat customers.  We don't solicit customer testimonials, but we do occasionally sell on eBay.  Here's our eBay feedback.

Our Philosophy: We believe that running a shop is about more than just selling and that shopping is about more than simply buying.  The Copacetic Comics Company believes that, in the final analysis, the purpose of shops and shopping is better defined as transacting, and that transacting is ultimately a form of communicating, and that communicating is connecting, and connection is what it's all about.


Important Notice to Copacetic Customers living in the European Union (EU)

In English | In italiano | En español | En français | Auf Deutsch


As of  1 July 2021 major changes were implemented in international shipments coming into the EU from the USA.  Copacetic does NOT have the capability to collect and pre-pay customs fees and VAT.  All of our shipments are sent Delivery Duty Unpaid (DDU).  This means that EU residents who place an order through this site may * (see below) have to pay an ADDITIONAL 21% of the total order cost – including shipping – in VAT fees to the customs authority in your country before the package containing your order will be released to you.  

Thus, for example, a $60 order that has a $40 shipping charge may *(see below) incur an additional VAT fee of $21, or more, that the customer will have to remit to the customs authority, which would then bring the total cost of the order to at least $121.  EU residents pay this VAT fee regardless, but other internet sellers will be collecting this fee upfront (meaning you would pay them $121 for your order and be done with it, whereas ordering from us you pay us $100 and then your customs service $21, making for the same total amount).  

*UPDATE, PLEASE NOTE:  We have been informed that, some – possibly all, but we're not sure – EU countries have an VAT exclusion for books that would cover comics; at least up to a certain €/$ amount.  We can confirm that the UK definitely has this exclusion in place; again, up to a certain amount (£50? £100?).  So, going forward, we will make every effort to label our international shipments as "books."  So, while we cannot guarantee that your order will not be subject to any addtional VAT fee, there seems like a good chance, at least, that it will not be. 




In italiano


Avviso importante per i clienti Copacetic residenti nell'Unione Europea (UE).


A partire dal 1° luglio 2021 sono state apportate importanti modifiche alle spedizioni internazionali in arrivo nell'UE dagli Stati Uniti. Copacetic NON ha la capacità di riscuotere e pagare in anticipo tasse doganali e IVA. Tutte le nostre spedizioni vengono inviate Delivery Duty Unpaid (DDU). Ciò significa che i residenti nell'UE che effettuano un ordine tramite questo sito possono aspettarsi di pagare un ULTERIORE 21% del costo totale dell'ordine - inclusa la spedizione - in tasse IVA all'autorità doganale del tuo paese prima che il pacco contenente il tuo ordine ti venga rilasciato .


Pertanto, ad esempio, un ordine di $ 60 con spese di spedizione di $ 40 comporterà un'IVA aggiuntiva di almeno $ 21, che il cliente dovrà versare all'autorità doganale, portando il costo totale dell'ordine ad almeno $ 121. I residenti nell'UE pagheranno questa tassa IVA a prescindere, ma altri venditori su Internet riscuoteranno questa tassa in anticipo (il che significa che pagheresti loro $ 121 per il tuo ordine e avresti finito con esso, mentre ordinando da noi ci paghi $ 100 e poi il tuo servizio doganale $ 21 , per lo stesso importo totale).


AGGIORNAMENTO, NOTA BENE: Siamo stati informati che, alcuni - forse tutti, ma non ne siamo sicuri - i paesi dell'UE hanno un'esclusione IVA per i libri che riguarderebbero i fumetti; almeno fino a un determinato importo di €/$. Possiamo confermare che il Regno Unito ha definitivamente in atto questa esclusione; ancora, fino a un certo importo (£ 50? £ 100?). Quindi, andando avanti, faremo ogni sforzo per etichettare le nostre spedizioni internazionali come "libri". Quindi, anche se non possiamo garantire che il tuo ordine non sarà soggetto ad alcuna commissione IVA aggiuntiva, ci sono buone probabilità, almeno, che non lo sia.




En español


Aviso importante para los clientes de Copacetic que viven en la Unión Europea (UE).


A partir del 1 de julio de 2021, se implementaron cambios importantes en los envíos internacionales que ingresan a la UE desde los EE. UU. Copacetic NO tiene la capacidad de cobrar y pagar por adelantado los aranceles aduaneros y el IVA. Todos nuestros envíos se envían con entrega sin pagar (DDU). Esto significa que los residentes de la UE que realizan un pedido a través de este sitio pueden esperar pagar un 21% ADICIONAL del costo total del pedido, incluido el envío, en tarifas de IVA a la autoridad aduanera de su país antes de que se le entregue el paquete que contiene su pedido. .


Así, por ejemplo, un pedido de $ 60 que tiene un costo de envío de $ 40 incurrirá en una tarifa de IVA adicional de al menos $ 21, que el cliente deberá remitir a la autoridad aduanera, con lo que el costo total del pedido será de al menos $ 121. Los residentes de la UE pagarán esta tarifa de IVA independientemente, pero otros vendedores de Internet cobrarán esta tarifa por adelantado (lo que significa que usted les pagaría $ 121 por su pedido y terminaría con él, mientras que al realizar un pedido con nosotros, nos paga $ 100 y luego su servicio de aduanas $ 21. , haciendo la misma cantidad total).


ACTUALIZAR, TENGA EN CUENTA: Nos han informado que, algunos, posiblemente todos, pero no estamos seguros, los países de la UE tienen una exclusión del IVA para libros que cubrirían cómics; al menos hasta una determinada cantidad de €/$. Podemos confirmar que el Reino Unido definitivamente tiene esta exclusión vigente; de nuevo, hasta una cierta cantidad (¿50£? ¿100£?). Por lo tanto, en el futuro, haremos todo lo posible para etiquetar nuestros envíos internacionales como "libros". Por lo tanto, si bien no podemos garantizar que su pedido no esté sujeto a ningún cargo de IVA adicional, parece haber una buena posibilidad, al menos, de que no lo esté.




En français


Avis important aux clients de Copacetic vivant dans l'Union européenne (UE).


À compter du 1er juillet 2021, des changements majeurs ont été mis en œuvre dans les expéditions internationales entrant dans l'UE en provenance des États-Unis. Copacetic n'a PAS la capacité de percevoir et de prépayer les frais de douane et la TVA. Tous nos envois sont expédiés avec droits de livraison non acquittés (DDU). Cela signifie que les résidents de l'UE qui passent une commande via ce site peuvent s'attendre à payer 21% SUPPLÉMENTAIRES du coût total de la commande - y compris l'expédition - en frais de TVA à l'autorité douanière de votre pays avant que le colis contenant votre commande ne vous soit remis. .


Ainsi, par exemple, une commande de 60 $ avec des frais d'expédition de 40 $ entraînera des frais de TVA supplémentaires d'au moins 21 $, que le client devra remettre aux autorités douanières, portant le coût total de la commande à au moins 121 $. Les résidents de l'UE paieront ces frais de TVA malgré tout, mais d'autres vendeurs sur Internet percevront ces frais à l'avance (ce qui signifie que vous leur paieriez 121 $ pour votre commande et que vous en auriez fini, alors que si vous commandez chez nous, vous nous payez 100 $, puis votre service de douane 21 $ , soit le même montant total).


MISE À JOUR, VEUILLEZ NOTER : Nous avons été informés que certains - peut-être tous, mais nous n'en sommes pas sûrs - des pays de l'UE ont une exclusion de TVA pour les livres qui couvriraient les bandes dessinées ; au moins jusqu'à un certain montant €/$. Nous pouvons confirmer que le Royaume-Uni a définitivement mis en place cette exclusion ; encore une fois, jusqu'à un certain montant (50 £ ? 100 £ ?). Ainsi, à l'avenir, nous ferons tout notre possible pour étiqueter nos envois internationaux comme des "livres". Ainsi, bien que nous ne puissions pas garantir que votre commande ne sera pas soumise à des frais de TVA supplémentaires, il semble au moins qu'il y ait de bonnes chances que ce ne soit pas le cas.



Auf Deutsch


Wichtiger Hinweis für Copacetic-Kunden mit Wohnsitz in der Europäischen Union (EU).


Ab dem 1. Juli 2021 wurden bei internationalen Sendungen aus den USA in die EU große Änderungen vorgenommen. Copacetic hat NICHT die Möglichkeit, Zollgebühren und Mehrwertsteuer einzuziehen und im Voraus zu bezahlen. Alle unsere Sendungen werden unverzollt (DDU) versendet. Dies bedeutet, dass EU-Bürger, die eine Bestellung über diese Website aufgeben, damit rechnen müssen, ZUSÄTZLICHE 21 % der gesamten Bestellkosten – einschließlich Versand – an Mehrwertsteuer an die Zollbehörde Ihres Landes zu zahlen, bevor das Paket mit Ihrer Bestellung an Sie freigegeben wird .


So wird beispielsweise für eine Bestellung im Wert von 60 US-Dollar mit einer Versandkostenpauschale von 40 US-Dollar eine zusätzliche Mehrwertsteuergebühr von mindestens 21 US-Dollar erhoben, die der Kunde an die Zollbehörde überweisen muss, wodurch sich die Gesamtkosten der Bestellung auf mindestens 121 US-Dollar belaufen. EU-Bürger zahlen diese Mehrwertsteuer unabhängig davon, aber andere Internetverkäufer erheben diese Gebühr im Voraus (dh Sie zahlen ihnen 121 USD für Ihre Bestellung und sind damit fertig, während Sie bei uns bestellen, zahlen Sie uns 100 USD und dann Ihren Zolldienst 21 USD , was den gleichen).

UPDATE, BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Wir wurden darüber informiert, dass einige – möglicherweise alle, aber wir sind uns nicht sicher – EU-Länder eine Mehrwertsteuerbefreiung für Bücher haben, die Comics abdecken würden; zumindest bis zu einem bestimmten €/$-Betrag. Wir können bestätigen, dass Großbritannien diesen Ausschluss definitiv hat; wieder bis zu einem bestimmten Betrag (£50? £100?). Daher werden wir uns in Zukunft nach Kräften bemühen, unsere internationalen Sendungen als „Bücher“ zu kennzeichnen. Obwohl wir nicht garantieren können, dass Ihre Bestellung keiner zusätzlichen Mehrwertsteuer unterliegt, scheint es zumindest eine gute Chance zu geben, dass dies nicht der Fall sein wird.


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