Here, in its second iteration, 2dCloud's flagship anthology, Mirror Mirror, powered by a truly amazing compendium of comics creators assembled by editors, Sean T. Collins and Julia Gfrörer, delves deep into reflections of contemporary sexuality to explore the buried nooks and crannies of the psyche that other mediums are unable to expose. This is a collection to which readers will find themselves compelled to return.
Cover: Dottie Gordon (Canada) Contributors: Atis Jakobsons (Latvia), Barrack Rima (Lebanon), Dottie Gordon (Canada), Erik Nebel (USA), Georgy Elaev (Russia), Ivo Puiupo (Portugal/Brazil), Jana Ribkina (Latvia), Joana Estrela (Portugal), Joris Bas Backer (The Netherlands), Jules Ines Mamone (Argentina), Laura Kenins (Canada), Metra Saberova (Latvia), Momo Gordon (Germany/USA), Nanqibai Zheng (China), Nuka Horvat (Slovenia), Sabine Moore (Latvia), Sean Christensen (USA), Timur Aloev (Russia/Czechia), Vivanna Maria Stanislavska (Latvia)
Format: A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, Munken paper
Theo Ellsworth and Sean Christensen have teamed up to create this all new series! In this premiere issue, we are introduced to a pair of child protagonists, Patio and Tagliattelle, who meet on the street that delimits and determines their world, from its "mouth" to its "belly." Norms of behavior as well as heavy topics are discussed. Parents are largely absent. Also: Decider Ball.
The creative space occupied by this neighborhood feels a bit like it could be right next to the one Lynda Barry created for Marlys & Co. in her long-running Ernie Pook's Comeek.
32 pages | 5 1/2" x 7 1/2" | black & white | full color cardstock covers
Check it out!