Jonathan Baylis has been writing, editing and self-publishing his Pekaresque autobio anthology, So Buttons for over a decade now, working in collaboration with a multitude of artists over the years. This issue was published in 2023 and features Pekar alumni, Gary Dumm and Joe Zabel along with plenty of other artists of more recent vintage, including Bernie Mireault (who passed away in late 2024; RIP), Maria and Peter Hooey, Whit Taylor, Kate Lacour and Michael T. Gilbert! This "Lucky 13th" issue also has a special focus on Baylis's years studying, working in and appreciating the world of cinema, along with remiscences of comics and an eye surgery along with a number of Pekaresque anecdotes. And it closes out with a back cover portrait of Baylis by Ed Piskor that Ed had done a number of years earlier.
You can learn more about this issue by reading Andy Oliver's review on Broken Frontier, HERE.
Here's the latest issue of Jonathan Baylis's ongoing autobio series. Aptly sub-titled the "Life & Death" issue, it starts off with a string of stories related to his personal encounters with creative figures who were important to his life, ranging from Chester Brown to James Earl Jones. It then switches to a series of meditations on mortality, as a number of people central to his life passed from this mortal coil, most significantly his mother, to whom this issue is dedicated.
Contributing artists include MariNaomi, Box Brown, Summer Pierre, Sophia Gluck, Lisa Rosalie Eisenbertm, Ayoko Nito, Karl Christian Krumpholz, and three pieces by T.J. Kirsch.
And, as he has been doing for years now, Andy Oliver has written this issue up – and provided some preview art – at Broken Frontier, HERE. Check it out.
Jonathan Baylis is a comics everyman, and in his long running series, So Buttons he shares his life of comics (and much else) in comics, wirth the support of a many talented artists.
Here's a chance to grab his two latest issues – which are among the strongest in the series – for a special introductory price!
>> limited quantity <<