<<•>> edited by Conor Stechschulte <<•>> See what happens when youthful hormones rage across 112 8 1/2" x 11" pages: desires twist and turn backwards and inside out; repressions are released; obsessions unleashed. Features work by Chris Adams, Carrie Bren, Andy Burkholder, Anya Davidson, Chris Day, Edie Fake, Mr. Freibert, Jesse McManus, Lane Milburn, Jason T. Miles, Molly Colleen O'Connell, Jose Luis Olivares, Ryan Cecil Smith, Conor Stechschulte, Ben Stiegler, Matthew Thurber, Leslie Weibeler and Kristie Winther.
Edited by Andy Burkholder.
The contributors to the CAKE anthology are:
Dane Martin
Anna Haifisch
Paul Nudd
Brecht Vandenbroucke
Patrick Kyle
Sua Yoo
Michael Olivo
A. Degen
Anders Nilsen
Jason Overby
Nick Drnaso
Sanya Glisic
Jason T Miles
Ginette Lapalme
Blaise Larmee
Otto Splotch
Eamon Espey
Molly O’Connell
Paul Loubet
Jesse Balmer
Aidan Koch
John Hankiewicz
Jeff Lok
Maz Morris
Lyra Hill
Henry Glover
Jaakko Pallasvuo
Michael Deforge
Jesse Fillingham
Edie Fake
Jesse McManus
Mike Redmond
Leslie Weibeler
Matthew Thurber
Josh Bayer
David Alvarado
Chris Day
Mickey Z
Scott Longo
Austin English
Julie Delporte
Andy Burkholder
Conor Stechschulte
Zach Hazard Vaupen
Joe Tallarico
Bret Koontz
Aaron Shunga
Noel Freibert
Andy Ortmann
Shalo P
Anya Davidson
Nothing says Christmas like Monster Fan Club (true in fact, if not in spirit)! It was originally slated for a Halloween release, but, of course, as we all know, sometimes things don't go as planned in the comic book world. But hey, what does it matter, really? Here we have an Giant Size (8 1/2" x 12") full color comic book printed on high grade flat white stock with heavy cardstock cover (by Shaky Kane, natch'). The feature attraction is a creepy creation of Shaky Kane and Jason T. Miles, "Blood on Blood," but there's more! A couple short pieces by the elusive Noel Freibert, an exclusive Monster Fan Club edition of Video Tonfa by Tim Goodyear, a Jesse McManus five-pager, a Chris Cilla one-pager, a glossy pullout centerfold poster (of a high concept cartoon Godzilla! by Daria Tessler, no less) and inside front cover by Ken Landgraf. And, we saved the best (for Copacetic customers anyway) for last: the issue opens up with a made-in-Pittsburgh three-pager by "The Diabetic Dracula", aka Copacetic customer, Joshua Rievel! (thus the honorary "made-in-Pittsburgh" appelation for this item).