Tadeo Tsuge’s
Trash Market is the latest volume in the series of classic manga curated by Ryan Holmberg, and the first to be published by Drawn & Quarterly since the untimely demise of PictureBox, the series’ original publisher. This softcover volume presents six classic Tsuge works from the late-‘60s and early-‘70s all but one originally published in
Garo, all appearing here in English translations for the first time: “Up on the Hilltop, Vincent Van Gogh”; “Song of Showa”; “Manhunt”; “Gently Goes the Night”; “ A Tale of Absolute and Utter Nonsense”; and closing out with the title track, “Trash Market”; each story runs approximately 40 pages. These are followed by a selection of Tsuge’s autobiographical essays of the late-‘90s (also translated by Holmberg). The volume concludes with an original biographical essay by Holmberg on Tsuge’s life and career, “Portrait of the Artist as a Working Man.” Haunting tales by an outsider survivor.