The Shiatsung Project is an intriguing debut graphic novel by Brigitte Archimbault, a francophone artist from Montreal. While this is her first graphic novel, she has been a working artist for sometime, starting out her career as a painter and sculptor, then branching out to make animated short films before at last taking the graphic novel plunge. Her animation experience clearly informs her work in The Shiatsung Project, which is cleanly delineated and filled with bold swathes of color for a clear and concise look that is a good formal match for the work's content. The Shiatsung Project presents readers withi a frighteningly mundane portrait of a not too distant future in which the our society continues unabated and unimpeded along its current path of technological systems following the dictates of capitalism to isolate and control individuals, leading, "logically" and inevitably to this cul de sac.
Intrigued? If so, check out the publisher's page on it, HERE – and make sure to keep scrolling for a substantial preview.