100% of the proceeds of the sale of this item will go to Grassroots Law Project. Founded by The Action PAC, and just launched today (2 June 2020), Grassroots Law Project "bridges the gap between grassroots organizing and legal expertise in criminal justice reform by bringing millions of us together to address the most pressing and egregious failures of the system, hold powerful actors accountable, and advocate for deep structural change."
Here is a rarely seen copy of the Deluxe AP edition of Ronald Wimberly's masterpiece, Prince of Cats. It's lmited to 300 copies; this one is 045/300. It also includes a large detailed sketch on the front endpaper. It's not cheap, but it's less than any other copy we could find currently on sale. If you want to take a peep at it, here it is!
Here's our review of the regular edition (which is still available, here):
Aptly referred to as "the B-SIde to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet", Ronald Wimberly's Prince of Cats pulls off quite a feat: successfully reimagining the world of Romeo and Juliet in an hepper-than-hep 1980s NYC where hip-hop and punk exist side-by-side and duels are settled with Samurai swords. The story here centers and pivots on the figure of Tybalt, with Romeo and Juliet as supporting cast. The art is dynamic, colorful and perfectly captures the mood while doing an amazing job of visually transcribing the throbbing soundtrack of the streets, train tracks, nightclubs, tenements, alleyways, nightclubs, bedrooms, offices, backrooms and underpasses that together weave an intricately colorful tapestry of the overarching and immortal theme of love amidst tribal conflicts. While Wimberly's art here has been justly praised, his command of the Shakespearean mode, and its adaptation to this setting is perhaps even more spectacular. His intuition of meter and measure in his translation of the streetwise lingo of Elizabethan England to the hepcat patois of 1980s New York is simply spot on every time, and a joyous wonder to read. Get this one for the jaded English major on your list.
GONE! - Thank you.
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