The third issue of this standout auteur comic book series (think the paradigmatic work of R. Crumb, along with Eightball, Neat Stuff, Yummy Fur, Dirty Plotte, and, of course, Remnant's buddy Noah van Sciver's Blammo) has arrived, and we want to let all straight up comic book readers that they should take a detour over to Blindspot's spot on the racks a take a moment to check it out. Each issue tackles exactly whatever is on Mr. Remnant's mind, and regardless of what topic he decides to tackle, be it his coffee shop ruminations, a meandering and unsatisfactory journey, a disturbing dream, a day with nothing particular to do, the end result is engaging, enjoyable and thought provoking. His finely detailed pen and ink renderings of himself, his surroundings and characters he meets up with bring the reader into contact with a fully fleshed out world. Reader's who have yet to sample the pleasures of Blindspot may feel a tug of familiarity due to Remnant's book length work on Harvey Pekar's memoir, Cleveland.