The inherent voyeurism of the internet age permeates the three books collected here in this 288 page omnibus volume. Nudes reads like a series of visits to a life drawing class where the models are engaging in sex. Amateurs is a 21st century fumetti; a series of print-outs from a Skype session with a naked 18 year old on her birthday, with a hand written recording of the thoughts the session inspired scrawled atop the images. Ice Cream Kisses is a series of narrative, comics-style paintings (some of which are derived from the drawings in Nudes), done somewhat after the manner of Gerhard Richter’s figurative grey paintings, arrayed to create a narrative of incessant desire, in which the text describes the sights that the painting obscures, where looking is at the root of desire and speaking of it is a requisite for both its expression and fulfillment.