Mighty Marvel Masterworks
This series of books present the classic, foundational Marvel Comics in a highly readable, very affordable form. Each volume in the series collects ten complete issues (or the rough equivalent, in those volumes where the stories being collected are less than standard-issue length – or, sometimes, more, as in the case of an annual). All are high quality, full color reproductions of the original issues, including covers. These volumes are just slightly smaller (6" x 9") than the original comics (7" x 10 1/4"). They are also, by a considerable margin, the least expensive way to purchase these classic comics. The Mighty Marvel Masterworks are a great way to discover – or revisit – the classic comics that formed the original Marvel Comics canon. They're also the very best way to introduce younger readers to Marvel Comics. The comic books that are collected in these volumes were created in the 1960s and are suitable for all ages.
9 items found:
retail price - $47.97
copacetic price $33.75
retail price - $15.99
copacetic price $12.75
retail price - $15.99
copacetic price $12.75
retail price - $31.98
copacetic price $23.75
retail price - $31.98
copacetic price $23.75