Sean Knickerbocker: Salon + Signing at Kaibur/Copacetic THIS Wednesday, June 5
Posted by on 04 June 14:06 (almost 5 years ago)

Sean Knickerbocker will be swooping into town for a Pittsburgh Comics Salon / Copacetic Comics Company Two-In-One Team-Up on Wednesday, June 5.  First up, from 6:00 to 8:00pm, he will participate in and make a special presentation at the Salon, held downstairs from Copacetic at Kaibur Coffee, then, following that, things will head upstairs to Copacetic for an hour of celebrating the release of Knickerbocker's hot-off-the-press graphic novel, Rust Belt.  Published by Secret Acres, it is a comics commentary on the contemporary struggle to survive when the world you grew up in is crumbling into history and whatever is going to replace it is still under construction.

Posted by on 04 June 14:06 (almost 5 years ago)