Just in from PEOW, Bark Bark Girl is Michael Furler's comics meditation on contemporary dichotomous living. Situated at the intersection of virtual/simulated realities of art, cartooning and computing and the physical realities of home, family and Kuma the dog – with plenty of bicycle riding to and form in between – Bark Bark Girl works to show the process of identifying priorities and values and how decisions regarding these can lead to inflection points in life's progress. The artwork varies accordingly, between pixilated computer art and cartooning that varies widely between the poles of expressionism and realism. Printed in black and fluorescent green on a finely textured off -white paper, it's a treat to read.
To go a bit more in-depth on what's in store here, and check out a few samples of the interior art, read Arpad Okay's review on The Beat, HERE.
204 pages || Black and "Uranium Green" || 170 x 250mm
5 color cover w/ flaps