Here's another 48 page, full color annual collection of comics from Andrew White. There's a particularly strong focus on color this issue.
Once again there are four comics works, along with a couple pages of editorial content, which also incudes a poetic prelude of sorts.
"Watching Paint Peel" is a continuation of last issue's "Like Layers of Paint"; "A Question" is a nicely drawn and beautifully colored fable; "And One Night More" works to give credit where credit is due regarding the genesis of the first European language translation of The Thousand and One Nights; "Wait" is an oblique, Poe-esque short vignette related to "Like Layers of Paint."
We've posted a gallery of covers, pages & panels from all the issues of Yearly, from 2018 to 2024 – including this one – on our Copacetic Tumblr, HERE.