Special issue featuring alternative comics from Australia. About time, mate!
Cover: HTMLflowers
Contributors: Ashley Ronning, Bailey Sharp, Ben Constantine, Ben Hutchings, Ben Juers, David Blumenstein, Eleri Mai Harris, Emma Jensen, Evie Cahir, Haein Kim, HTMLflowers, Kangaroo Lu. Q., Lee Lai, Leigh Rigozzi, Marc Pearson, Michael Fikaris, Michael Hawkins, Nicky Minus, Rachel Ang, Safdar Ahmed, Sam Wallman, Simon Hanselmann, Tim Danko, Tommi Parrish Guest Editor: Michael Fikaris
Support: This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
New, higher price!
Format: A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, high quality and environmentally friendly Munken paper.