(The) Future has arrived! This 288 page, full color, 8 1/2" x 12", French-flapped, beautifully printed (in Latvia) softcover collects the ten hard-to-find issues of the single-creator, auteur anthology of the same name by Finland's incredibly prolific master cartoonist,Tommi Musturi's series of the same name, complete with covers, in a fine, high quality edition printed – in Latvia – in a volume that exceeds the original issues in both quality and page size. Taking in the amazing diversity of styles on display in its FULL color pages, it is at times hard to believe that they've all been created by the same artist.
We've posted a wide-ranging selection of pages from Future HERE, so you can see what we're talking about.
Translated from the original Finnish (no mean feat, we can tell you) by Tuomas Rantala.
Just out of the boxes here at Copacetic. Quite a package!