We've been remiss. We let readers of this page in on the advent of Blurred Vision's first issue, but neglected to let you know that it's still going strong. Consistently interesting, these issues continue to feature the craft mastery of Toc Fetch that we highlighted in our review of the first issue. Other notable pieces include the ongoing saga of "A Dog and His Elephant," by Ethan Persoff," which runs through both issues; from #2, "Captain Adam" by Kevin Mutch, a madcap 30-page saga that is the comics equivalent of a mash-up: composed entirely of panels taken out of context ("sampled") from a stack of old comics (and a couple adult mags) and sewn together to create a crazy quilt sequence which was then overdrawn and rewritten into a single whole; and, from #3, "Know Thyself," a grim pantomime fable. Blurred Vision shows artists taking chances, and that's always good. Learn -- and see -- plenty more at their website (where every image is a link).