C'mon, you gotta give it up for a comic with a title like this one's! If this title didn't stop and make you think, well then... you're not thinking. Go back and read it again, go get a dictionary (there's probably one on your computer, but it might not be deep enough to do the job) and suss it out. It might take you longer than you guess (hint: matrideicidic is a combination of matricide and deicide that may not technically be a legitimate word; but that shouldn't stop you from being able to figure out what it means). Well, while you're doing that, we'll continue... It's been over a year since Big Questions #5, so it's good to know that the Ingmar Bergman of self-published comics is still at it. Believe it or not, this issue continues the story from #4 & #5 (both now back in stock here at Copacetic, in case you missed them the first time around), so you'll probably want to dig them out and have them handy for maximum effect. 48 pages; saddle stitched; B & W with cardstock color cover