Inspired by Raymond Queneau's 1947 opus, Exercises in Style, reigning comics formalist, Matt Madden undertook to transliterate this deconstructive approach to the practice of storytelling into the language of comics. Six years in the making, 99 Ways has accomplished exactly that. Taking the most mundane of events so as not distract from the formal elements, each of the 99 ways meticulously illustrated in this volume tell the story of Matt's journey from his drawing table to the refrigerator. Absurd? Yes, but that's the idea. It's all about how, not about what. It may sound like a crazy idea, but we're pretty sure that this volume will be used in classrooms for years to come as it opens the mind to possibilities inherent in conception at the same time as it focuses the concentration on the realities of execution. It serves as a swell discussion starter as well. And it's clear upon conclusion that there's easily another 99 ways still waiting to be told.