Ed Steck Trifecta w/ Bill Wehmann
Posted by on 29 May 19:05 (almost 10 years ago)

Please join us from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on Saturday, June 21 to celebrate the recent releases of three new works by Pittsburgh's own Ed Steck:

The Garden (a novel)

sleep as information / the fountain is a water feature (a book-length open)

The Abyssal Yawn (a comic book collaboration with Bill Wehmann)


The Garden is "Composed in part from technical military intelligence text, Ed Steck's The Garden: Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation is a formally complex representation of cultural brain damage, the damage left by war in language and thought."

sleep as information / the fountain is a water feature is a "book-length poem confronting the nebulous associations of fragmented memory: a pseudo-taxonomical investigation with plywood-like consistency, an expository web of mall food court fare, anti-memories of a large indoor water fountain, and cheap paperback science fiction novels."

The Abyssal Yawn is a comic book collaboration with Polish Hill-based artist – and Copacetic Stalwart – Bill Wehmann, who, in addition to pencilling, inking and coloring the work, also acted as designer and publisher. It has been described as a "full color 32 page comic book sports a card stock cover and is printed on high grade glossy stock throughout. These heavy duty production measures were necessary to carry the weighty concepts that are herein delivered. The Abyssal Yawn is a far-flung multi-dimensional science fiction tale in the tradition of Jack Kirby and Jim Starlin – think the Silver Surfer and Warlock – that took a detour through the meta-comics dimensions of Fort Thunder and navigated the Kramers Ergot force field with the aid of contemporary post-modern literary techniques and a bit of gage."

Posted by on 29 May 19:05 (almost 10 years ago)