Spit and Half's first book length publication, in at last collecting the complete run of Strange Growths, the legendary 1990s self-published comics zine by Jenny Zervakis, realizes one of John Porcellino's long cherished goals. It's all here – and more. In addition to collecting all thirteen issues of Strange Growths, this 240 page softcover volume includes additional work that originally appeared in comics anthologies, an interview with small press comics critc and scholar, Rob Clough, an introduction by Porcellino and... an index!
Tom Hart sez, "Strange Growths was the first comic to demonstrate that comics needn't be about character and actions, but can be about thought and mood. Somehow, these comics created their own world. Somehow, Strange Growths was a place, above all – a place to contemplate and to reflect and to be."
Bubbles #20 is 56 pages long
This issue features transcriptions from all the talks & interviews from Bubbles Con.
- C.F. (by Noel Freibert)
- Gabrielle Bell (by Francesca Lyn)
- Dash Shaw (by Brian Baynes)
- Jenny Zervakis (by Brian Baynes)
- Ryan Holmberg presents: You Job is What?! A Year in the Life of a Mangaologist
- Mark Shubert presents: How Will He Use It? The Editorial Cartoons of George H. Ben Johnson
Plus over 70 reviews of NEW recently released comics. A new record of reviews done in an issue of Bubbles, 7 full pages.
And a Bubbles Con photo album by Zack Rogers who took photos at the event.