The latest from Latvia has arrived! S! #17 sports a multi-layered wraparound cover by Patrick Kyle and is chock full of swell full color comics – 164 pages worth – from around the globe - with an accent on the Baltics. This issue's theme – as you may have guessed from the cover – is "Sweet Romance." While we suspect that most of the contirubtors to this issue will be unfamiliar to most Copacetic customers, readers who hae checked out past S! volumes know that these books offer a unique comics reading experience, and we hereby offer encouragement to those who have yet to do so to extend their comics horizons by picking up this issue. Doing so will not only provide a hefty handful of nifty comics, but will also offer a vote of encouragement to their comics friends in the Baltics, who could use it right now...
Here's the contributor list:
Aisha Franz (Germany), Akvil? Misevi?i?t? (Lithuania), Ayumu Arisaka (Japan), Berliac (Argentina), Betty Liang (Canada), Dace Sietina (Latvia), Emma Rendel (Sweden), Ginette Lapalme (Canada), Heta Bilaletdin (Finland), Inger Zivana M. Torvund (Norway), Ingr?da Pi?uk?ne (Latvia), Jesse Lucas (USA), König Lü.Q. (Switzerland), Laila Milevski (USA/Latvia), Liisa Kruusmägi (Estonia), L?va Kandevica (Latvia), Patrick Kyle (Canada), Pixin (Singapore), Raids Kalni?š (Latvia), Tomasz Niewiadomski (Poland), Yvang (France)