Get ready for another JAM-PACKED issue of TIm Lane's single-creator anthology series, Mythologies and Apocrypha! In these pages, a mythic Steve McQueen takes both center stage and many forms. Supported here by screen co-stars such as, most notably, Frank Sinatra, (whose support also takes multiple forms), as well as those makers and intermediaries of American mythologies, Walter Cronkite and Johnny Carson, who are shown here in their full-fledged mythic personas.
The issue concludes with the apocryphal September 1935 issue of Funtime Funnies featuring "Li'l Stevie, Hero of Tomorrow", that originally appeared in NOW #12, in our review of which we then described it as "a hybrid work that seems to synthesize Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan and Peter Blegvad’s Leviathan – with a dash of Al Columbia’s Pim & Francie – and then graft it all onto Ernie Bushmiller’s early period Fritzy Ritz and Nancy in order to create a dark, drunken and twisted, but pathos laden – and still very Tim Lane – Golden Age comics take on... Steve McQueen's childhood."
32 hard won pages in black & white and full color crisply printee on flat white stock with glossy cardstock cover. Mythographies and Apocrypha gives readers more comics for their hard earned cash than any comic book out there.
Temporarily out of stock. Please check back in late-February / early-March.