Milkmaid is 40 non-stop pages of hormone-powered, over-the-top, stream-of-consciousness comics from the one and only Jasper Jubenvill. It could be considered Jasper's equivalent of Chester's "The Man Who Couldn't Stop" from Yummy Fur #3, with, of course, Japser's obsessions substituted for Chester's. Here we have a storyline that starts off in a quasi-"normal" setting of Dynamite Diva setting off for a girls get-together at the Purple Elephant Diner, but it gets weird fast and it isn't long before things head over the cliff into disturbing, bizarro-nazi scenario set in an insano-world of a violent military-industrial complex based on and powered by breastmilk- and semen-extraction factories, giant mutant babies, hybrid dog-tanks and a cast of characters to match. The intellectual value-add here is that the over-the-top stream-of-consciousness bores deep into of the psychic structures of the global capitalist system, revealing the pulsing, throbbing unconscious drives that power it. So, quite informative in that regard.
Not for fans of realism or the faint of heart. You have been warned.