Beto checks in with an eleven-page installment of "The Song of the Sea Hog," the tale of one man and his six wives (five ex-, one current and all still in touch -- ouch!), a two-page "Julio's Day," and the inaugural of a new series of one-pagers, "The Kid Stuff Kids," which, on the basis of this one at least, seems to play with the form a bit. Jaime struts his stuff with three "Angel of Tarzana" strips featuring 'Sports Girl' Rivera, two more noirish two-pagers on Ray 'Down-and-Out' D and his obsessive non-starting relationship with Vivian 'Frogmouth', and, finally, "Wednesday Is Bitter Ends Day," the latest episode in "Day By Day With Hopey", that follows our heroine as she transitions to the next chapter of her saga-filled life. All this in one 32-page comic book. How do they do it! Love and Rockets: still the best comic book on the planet.