A magazine for our topsy-turvy times, Boutique Mag #4 turns your brain inside-out in order to wring out excess reasonableness and so reveal the raw, chaotic palimpsests of that non-sensical script of consumer capitalism that contemporary culture works day and night to overwrite with "convincing" arguments about economic self-interest. Boutique Mag #4 unlocks the door to our push me pull you psyches, to release the caged chaos that lurks within. Fortunately for the weaker among us, its hybridic mix of comics, images and text runs a mere 16 (full color, newsprint) pages, so most should survive their encounter.
Of notable note: Along with Boutique Mag #4, we received a restock of that masterpiece of magazinery, Worn Tuff Elbow #2, a must for every comics colllection worthy of the name.