edited and designed by Jacob Covey The Beasts are back! Fantagraphics is, we're sure, proud to present the second volume filled with full-page (in some cases, multiple-page) "depictions gathered from diverse authorities, modern and medieval, with varying degrees of reliability." Here we have another gilt-edged, fancy-pants, hardcover volume featuring another host of amazing talent including Peter Bagge, Blexbolex, Lilli Carré, Brian Chippendale, Eleanor Davis, Kim Deitch, Leif Goldberg, Tomer Hanuka, Jaime Hernandez, Paul Horschemeier, Walt Holcombe, Roger Langridge, John Vermilyea, Laura Weinstein, Jim Woodring, Dan Zettwoch -- who turns in a whopping four-pager -- and plenty more! THE COPIES REMAINING ARE ALL SLIGHTLY DAMAGED AND SO ARE ON SALE HERE AS "HURT COPY SPECIALS".