Now here's an 80-Page Giant we can get behind! Füt Chi Perf (or is it Fütchi Perf?) is 80 pages of lushly rendered duo-tone -- pink and blue! -- risographed comics from the pen and publishing appuratus of Kevin Czapiewski (aka Kevin Czap). To learn more, read this review by Eleanor Davis (!) on and become enlightened.
GONE! Sorry... BUT – it has now been released in a permanent, squarebound, library-friendly graphic novel format by Uncivilized Books.
Fütchi Perf is back in print! The Uncivilized Books edition of provides a permanent squrabound, shelf-friendly edition to succeed this risograph instant classic.
Temporarily out of stock. Please check back in March 2025.
Here's the latest from the indefatigable, formerly-Cleveland-based, Providence, RI transplant cartoonist, Kevin Czap. This volume collects the first three parts of Four Years, a tale of community which centers on 32 year old Betty Yaris. Instead of a "coming of age" tale, what Czap presents readers with here is more a tale of "coming into identity." The drawing is lush and organic and the color palette is primarily set to pink and rose with insets of red and yelow, making for a fairly even emotional temperature throughout. It runs 48 pages and is nicely printed on fairly heavy, glossy stock. It's a bit on the pricey side, so we're offering it at a special discount to ease the pain.