Here's a new issue of the second volume of Viewotron, now back at Radiator Press! This time around the issue is, for the first time, formatted standard (6 1/2" x 10") comic book size, and runs for 48 black & white pages, printed on a heavier-than-average flat-white paper with full color cardstock cover.
This issue features three stories. Peach Goodrich's "Satellite & Telescope", a whimsical tale of the communion between an orbiting satellite and an earthbound child, and Sam Sharpe's "The Spooky Child", about the relationship between two adult teachers that may hinge on the titular child, are each the first part of two-part stories, both of which, we presume, will be concluded in the next issue. The middle story separating these two serials is Sharpe's "What Will Be Left", a humorous look at what the space aliens will find left on earth after humans have been driven to extinction by their own unrestrained appetites.
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