FINALLY! Tongues 4 has arrived. Some secrets are revealed, but the mystery only deepens, in this, the most substantial issue yet.
Reading Tongues is a mind expanding experience like few others in comics (late Jack Kirby comes to mind). Nilsen has not only a wide ranging and vivid imagination but also a strong understanding of the mechanics of mythology that, taken together with his solid grasp of both current events and their grounding in history, provides him with a fertile ground upon which his imagination can flourish. And, of course, what pulls all these together to produce the work before us in the pages of Tongues, are Nilsen's phenomenal drawing ability and comics making skills.
This series is being published at the rate of, roughly, one issue per year, so readers will have plenty of time to savor each issue – all of which are currently available.
Oversize | full color | 48 pages + 8 page insert