Ronin is Frank Miller's masterpiece. It is the series that changed comics. DC offered Miller total control and carte blanche to do what he wanted in order to steal him away from Marvel, where he was changing the comics landscape with his take on Daredevil (and his creating and subsequent destruction – and then later resurrection – of Elektra). And, with Ronin, that's exactly what Miller did. In a series of six, 52-page, ad-free issues Milller created a bold and original synthesis of American comics (with Kirby and Eisner at its core), European bande dessinée (specifically, Moebius) and Japanese manga (here, most notably Goseki Kojima) and grafted it on a far-sighted science fiction concept involving a human computer interface and a (very) old school Oedipal drama and knocked everyone for aloop. Comics readers of 1983 didn't know what to make of it, and may still don't know toady. But many people did get what Miller was up to – most notably those in Hollywood, and concepts fro Ronin found their way into many important films, most notably The Matrix and I, Robot.
Lynn Varley's coloring on this book was also a game changer.
So, here's a chance to experience the original series as it was originally experienced, in these six, like new issues!
*(at this time; we definitely have more... in The Archives)