Here's the book Tara Booth fans have been waiting for! Processing is cover-to-cover fully painted color comics – a whoppin' 396 pages worth!
The comics presented here are filled to the brim with personality and generational atttitude – particularly that of sarcasm in the service of self-mockery – and include plenty of instances of transition and repetition to achieve a sense of motive temporality, but their key function is to allow Booth the opportunity to paint, and paint she does. While her expressive figuration occasionally overwhelms her compositional sense, her brush strokes and, especially, her bold, splashy exploitation of the inherent color capacities of gouache combine to make for an exceptionally pleasing reading experience. And then there are the moments when she lets go of any pretence of narrative and just stops and paints a painting... and then moves on. While her sense of humor is never far from the page, there are moments of æsthetic abandon that call to mind a slew of major (aka great) painters, none more so than Matisse.
Check out D & Q's Processing page for more info and a nice preview. Also, we've posted a gallery of pages from the book on our Tumblr, HERE.