<<•>> curated by Tom Neely <<•>> This compendium of 71 single-panel gag cartoons from the world of independent comics is a genuine goldmine of unique comics work. Who's in this comical compendium? Well, hold on to your hats for this partial list: Andrice Arp, Marc Bell, Chris Cilla, Michael DeForge, Kim Deitch, Theo Ellsworth, Robert Goodin, Juliacks, Kaz, Anders Nilsen, Jason Overby, John Porcellino (whose lead-off contribution had us wondering if perhaps he hadn't missed his calling as a New Yorker cartoonist), Jesse Reklaw, Zak Sally, Josh Simmons, Matthew Thurber, Noah Van Sciver, Dylan Williams, Chris Wright and more!!! In full color and black & white. Anyone who misses out on this will be kicking themselves for years to come. Don't let yourself be one of them!