Rookie Moves by November Garcia is a 20-page, digest-size comic book (with cardstock covers) that provides a window on the soul of the small press, self-publishing comics scene. In these pages we are provided with a look at some of the social aspects of the scene in general, and an example of an instince of crossing the divide from consumer to producer, in particular. All comics creators are first comics readers. Many, including one November Garcia, are so inspired by the comics they encounter that they are led to aspire to become a comics creator themselves, naturally grvitating towards the ranks of those creators whose work most inpired them. While this process/cycle holds true in practically all artistic endeavors, in the world of small press and self-published comics, the border between reader and maker is among the most porous, where readers who so desire will encounter little resistance, with people continually crossing back and forth. In oither words, any habitué of the world of small press comics will find plenty to relate to here.